6h50 - 7h30
7h30 - 9h30
Advanced Face and Neck Anatomy
7h30 - 7h45
Don't Go Deep into the Neck Without This
André Auersvald
7h45 - 8h00
Face Anatomy: Insights from Over 210 Specimens and Surgery
Rodrigo Gimenez
8h00 - 8h15
Needle Oriented Face Lift: Deep Plane Anatomy Made Simple
Luiz A. Auersvald
8h15 - 8h30
New Trends and Insights in Periorbital Surgical Anatomy
André Cervantes
8h30 - 8h45
Opening Ceremony
8h45 - 9h30
The Sherrell Aston Lecture - My Facelift History
Sherrell Aston
9h30 - 10h00
Coffee Break
10h00 - 12h00
Hot Topics in SMAS
10h00 - 10h30
Master Class Deep Plane Rhytidectomy: Understanding the Evolution of the Technique
Neil Gordon
10h30 - 10h45
The Centrofacial Rejuvenation Concept
Alexis Verpaele
10h45 - 11h00
Hybrid Facelift
Ozan Sozer
11h00 - 11h15
The era of energy-based device technology and dermal fillers for facial rejuvenation: the risk / benefit ratio in facelift surgery
Jennifer Walden
11h15 - 11h30
Facelifts to Make Patients Look Younger with Passing Years
Sherrell Aston
11h30 - 12h00
Moderator André Cervantes
Moderator Rodrigo Gimenez
12h00 - 13h30
Lunch Break
13h30 - 15h45
Advanced Facelift
13h30 - 14h00
Master Class The MACS-lift in comprehensive facial rejuvenation
Alexis Verpaele
14h00 - 14h15
Evolutionary, Embryologic and Anatomical Support for the Deep Plane Rhytidectomy: Providing a Definition of the Technique
Neil Gordon
14h15 - 14h30
Five Key Points to Build a Successful Facelift Practice
Sherrell Aston
14h30 - 14h45
Revision Rhytidectomy
Neil Gordon
14h45 - 15h00
Extended High SMAS -personal approach
15h00 - 15h15
Ozan Sozer
15h15 - 15h45
Moderator André Auersvald
Moderator Luiz A. Auersvald
15h45 - 16h15
Coffee Break
16h15 - 18h45
Advanced Face and Necklift
16h15 - 16h45
Master Class Creating an Attractive Jawline
Ozan Sozer
16h45 - 17h00
Neck geometrical analysis and treatment algorithm
Alexis Verpaele
17h00 - 17h15
Platysmaplasty: Medial, Lateral, or Both? Anatomy-based Decision Making to Prevent the Overdone Neck
Jennifer Walden
17h15 - 17h30
Deep Necklift: 30 Years in the Making
André Auersvald
17h30 - 17h45
Pearls from 29 years of Deep Plane Facelifting: Optimizing Outcomes while Minimizing the Process
Neil Gordon
17h45 - 18h00
Preventing Deep Neck Lift Complications
Etienne Miranda
18h00 - 18h15
SMAS: a Learning Curve
18h15 - 18h45
Moderator André Auersvald
Moderator Sherrell Aston
7h30 - 9h40
Advanced Periorbital Surgery
Coordinator: André Cervantes
7h30 - 8h00
Master Class 360 Blepharoplasty
Mohammed Alghoul
8h00 - 8h15
Safe and Effective Periorbital Shaping
Ozan Sozer
8h15 - 8h25
Finger Tip Lateral Subcutaneous Brow Lift
Sherrell Aston
8h25 - 8h40
Achieving Perfect Symmetry in Upper Blepharoplasty
Mohammed Alghoul
8h40 - 8h55
Brow Lift is a Bad Word: Understanding the Forehead through the Endocoronal Technique
Neil Gordon
8h55 - 9h10
The Triple Arc Lift: An Engineered Approach to Upper Lid Rejuvenation
Mohammed Alghoul
9h10 - 9h40
9h40 - 10h10
Full Face Talk Show - Jennifer Walden and Full Face Interview Sherrell Aston
10h10 - 10h40
Coffee Break
10h40 - 12h25
Regenerative and Resurfacing
10h40 - 10h55
How to Improve the Skin Quality During a Facelift
Ronaldo Righesso
10h55 - 11h10
Blending Technology and Minimally Invasive Procedures for Face and Neck Rejuvenation and Contouring
Sherrell Aston
11h10 - 11h25
Texas to Sao Paolo: Innovations in skincare, resurfacing, and energy-based treatments to maximize aesthetic results in darker skin types
Jennifer Walden
11h25 - 11h40
Regenerative Facial Rejuvenation
Alexis Verpaele
11h40 - 11h55
Evolution of Nonsurgical Facial Rejuvenation in a Surgical Practice: Energy, Threads, Volume, and Regenerative Medicine (creating passive revenue for your practice)
Jennifer Walden
11h55 - 12h25
Moderator Ozan Sozer
Moderator Rodrigo Gimenez
12h25 - 13h45
Lunch Break
13h45 - 16h00
Complex Cases and Situations and How I Solved Them?
13h45 - 14h00
Sherrell Aston
14h00 - 14h15
Jennifer Walden
14h15 - 14h30
Alexis Verpaele
14h30 - 14h45
Ozan Sozer
14h45 - 15h00
Neil Gordon
15h00 - 15h30
Secondary Blepharoplasty + Complex Case
Mohammed Alghoul
15h30 - 16h00
Moderator André Auersvald
Moderator André Cervantes
Moderator Luiz A. Auersvald
Rodrigo Gimenez
16h00 - 16h30
Coffee Break
16h30 - 18h35
2nd Full Face Alumni Meeting (lectures and discussions to be announced)
18h35 - 19h00